
2021-03-04 02:23:34 字數 4693 閱讀 8756


藍雨,龍梅子的我的愛情不見了,也許是我們相遇相戀的太早 也許是我們的愛注內定你要容逃 也曾經夢想和你一直牽手到老 可如今我已不再擁有你的好 這世上真愛是否有人會得到 我付給你的真心你都不想要 既然說分手也就別再彼此煩擾 就讓我忘記過去 忘記你的好 我的愛情不見了 你跟他走了 我們承諾的承諾 灰飛煙滅了 我的心全都碎了 不能再愛了 那些流過的眼淚 全都風乾了 我的愛情不見了 你跟他走了 我用真心去愛了 我卻愛錯了 我的心全都碎了 真的傷透了 那些回憶的回憶 都不再想了

找一首歌,不記得歌名是什麼了,麻煩告知一下,謝謝! 5


eyah eyah.its over over.kwasila ayenda.

kulibe kubwera.sazaonana kuti.mulungu mwene wake.

pakupanga nthawi.enzo ziba kuti.azakutenga lero.

kulota usiku.ona monga wabwela.nikutulo kuwama.

kuti kumvela mushe.tu malaving?i twako.

nuletela chiluwi.are you the real one.the real you.

the real you baby.koma kukaca kuseni.tumisonzi mumanso.

kuyang?ana pa bedi.kupeza palibe wayenda.

baby its over over over.its over over baby.oh na na na na

it?s over over.kwasila ayenda.

kulibe kubwela.sitizaonana futi.mulungu mwene wake.

pakupanga nthawi.ezoziba kuti.azakutenga lero.

wanisiya nilila.baby nikumbuka.nikayang?

ana pa photo lako.misonzi mumanso.olo bakambe its over.

it?s over osalila.i don?

t believe it?s over.oh na nan na na.

it?s over over over.it?

s over over baby

it?s over over.oh na na na na

it?s over over.kwasila ayenda.

kulibe kubwela.sitizaona futi.mulungu mwene wake.

pakupanga nthawi.enzo ziba kuti.azakutenga lero.

why why why.ohh!!! ohh!!!

why why why.oh na na na na

usiku nikalota.chinikanga kubelieva.kuti unanisiya nekha.

pano paziko.koma ni nthawi.mulungu ndiye aziba.

pokupanga anaziba.pokutenga aziba.baby baby.

ponse ninthawi.ohh!!! ohh!!!.

oh! na na na na

it?s over over.kwasila ayenda.

kulibe kubwela.sitiza kaonana futi.mulungu mwine wake.

pakupanga mwine wake.pakupanga nthawi.enzo ziba kuti.

azakutenga lelo.it?s over over.

kwasila ayenda.kulibe kubwela.sitiza kaonana futi.

mulungu mwene wake.pakupanga nthawi.enzo ziba kuti.

azakutenga lelo

why why why why.ohh!! why why why why.

oh! na na na na.why why why why.

ohh!! why why why why

oh na na na na


eyah eyah

its over over

its over you?re gone

she is not ***ing back

never to see each other again

you will realize that

god the creator

at the time of creation

knew when he would

take you to day

dreaming at night

you have ***e back

the sleep is sweet

i feel so good

your lovings

bring me memories

are you the real one

the real you

the real you baby

i wake up in the morning

i have tears in my eyes

i look on the bed

you not there you?re gone

baby its over over over

its over over baby

oh na na na na

it?s over over

its over you?re gone

you?ll never ***e back

never to see each other again

god owner creator

decided on the time

he knew

he will take you to day

you?ve left me crying

baby i remember you

when i look at your photo

tears in my eyes

although people say it?s over

it?s over don?t cry

i don?t believe it?s over

oh na nan na na

it?s over over over

it?s over over baby

it?s over over

oh na na na na

it?s over over

it?s over you?re gone

you?ll not ***e back

we?ll not see each other again

god owner creator

decided on the time

he knew when

he would take you to day

why why why

ohh!!! ohh!!! why why why

oh na na na na

at night in my dreams

i don?t believe

that you left me alone

in the world

but it?s the time

god is the only one who knows

when he created you he knew

when he would take you

baby baby

everything has its time

ohh!!! ohh!!!

oh! na na na na

it?s over over

it?s over you?re gone

you?ll not ***e back

we?ll not see each other again

god owner creator

when he created you

he knew when

that he would take

you away to day

it?s over over

it?s over you?re gone

you?ll not ***e back

we?ll not see each other again

god owner creator

he knew when

that he would take

you away to day

why why why why

ohh!! why why why why

oh! na na na na

why why why why

ohh!! why why why why

oh na na na na

這是一首非洲歌~~ 歌手 是 jimmy

誰知道這首是什麼歌,有誰知道這首是什麼歌 ?

這是什麼歌曲,有誰知道?香香 命運 都是你我忘乎所以 打翻深藏在水晶瓶的咒語 自作聰明的我還是不經意 偷偷的愛上你 不小心沒有看仔細 發現你依然隱藏好多祕密 似乎我不一定是你的唯一 才讓你顯得那麼漫不經心 就算我心裡會有一點點在乎你 你也別以為你會有什麼了不起 一場遊戲我不想輸了我自己 還那麼便宜了...


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吉祥草.求文!有哪位知道的麻煩告知一下名字,謝謝!中文有哪位知道,的麻煩告知一下名字謝謝。無生無死,春在花枝 是哪一首歌裡的歌詞,急求!知道的大神麻煩告知一下詞作者或者歌曲名字?空 作詞 馬 雷 作曲 張 揮 編曲 張 揮 吉他 fliek 古箏 王麗麗 古壎 張 揮 和聲 灰姑娘演唱組合 關關 張...