
2021-03-03 22:51:50 字數 6311 閱讀 2677


網路遊戲裡? m 就是"密"的意思 就是 1對1聊天、說話的意思。







密。。 可以理解成 回答。告訴。通知。





遲點再「摸」你 哈哈哈



u you

ur your

yr year

thx thanks

4 for

2b or not 2b to be or not to be

4ever forever

a/s/l age/***/location

afaic as far as i'm concerned

afaik as far as i know

afk away from keyboard

aiamu and i'm a monkey's uncle

aisi as i see it

aka also known as

ambw all my best wishes

anfawfows and now for a word word from our web sponsor

aots all of the sudden

asafp as soon as "friggin" possible

asap as soon as possible

atst at the same time

awgthtgtta are we going to have to go through this again

awgthtgttsa are we going to have to go through this sh**

aysos are you stupid or something

b4 before

b4n bye for now

bbfbbm body by fisher, brains by mattel

bbiab be back in a bit

bbiaf be back in a few

bbl be back later

bbn bye bye now

b**u be seein' you

bfd big f***ing deal

bfn bye for now

bhof bald headed old fart

bif basis in fact

bitd back in the day

bm byte me

bmota byte me on the ass

bnf big name fan

bohica bend over here it ***es again

br bathroom

brb be right back

brt be right there

bs big **ile

bt byte this

btdt been there done that

btsoom beats the sh** out of me

btw by the way

btwbo be there with bells on

bwdik but what do i know?

bwo black, white or other

ciao goodbye (in italian)

cid consider it done

cio check it out

cis ***puserve information service

cmf count my fingers

cof$ church of scientology

craft can't remember a f***ing thing

craws can't remember anything worth a sh**

csl can't stop laughing

ctc choaking the chicken

cul8r see you later

cwyl chat with you later

cya cover your ass

cyl see you later

dbeyr don't believe everything you read

dd due diligence

ddd direct distance dial

deti don't even think it

dgt don't go there

dhyb don't hold your breath

dilligad do i look like i give a damn

dilligas do i look like i give a sh**

dkdc don't know don't care

dltm don't lie to me

dqydj don't quit you're day job

drib don't read if busy

dystsott did you see the size of that thing

eg evil grin

eom end of message

eso equipment **arter than operator

f2f face-to-face

fbks failure between keyboard and seat

fe fatal error

fo f*** off

foaf friend of a friend

ftasb faster than a speeding bullet

ftl faster than light

fttb for the time being

fubar f***ed up beyond all recognition

fubb f***ed up beyond belief

fud (spreading) fear, uncertainty, and fwiw for what it's worth

fya for your amusement

fyi for your information

fym for your misinformation

gal get a life

gg good game or gotta go

gigo garbage in, garbage out

giwist gee, i wish i'd said that

gl good luck

glyasdi god loves you and so do i

gmta great minds think alike

gnblfy got nothing but love for you

gr8 great

grrrr "growling"

gsoas go sit on a snake

gtg got to go

gtgb got to go, bye

gtgp got to go pee

gth go to hell

gtsy glad to see ya

gypo get your pants off

hago have a good one

hak hugs and kisses

hb hurry back

hd hold

hho1/2k ha ha, only half kidding

hhok ha ha, only kidding

hiooc help!


s可以是秒的意思,有不同的意思。m可以是質量的意思等,可以是距離的意思在不同的學科裡 你這動畫裡指的是 施虐傾向 sadi 和受虐傾向 masochi 呵呵,同性戀中s是攻,m是受,即s是施虐者,m是受虐者。也可以用來形容一般人中的施虐者和受虐者 虐,是一家公司,或者就是姓虐待的意思,都有 系列 服...


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m 中層作順時針90度 front 前。back 後。up 上。down 下。稜塊的表面是兩個正方形,結構類似一個長方體從立方體的一個邊凸出來,這樣的結構可以讓稜塊嵌在兩個中心塊之間。長方體表面上的弧度與中心塊上的弧度相同,可以沿著滑動。立方體的內側有缺角,組合後,中心塊和稜塊上的凹槽可組成一個圓形...