we got off on 8 o』clock in the morning and back on 4 o』clock in the afternoon. we went there by bus. the place was picturesque, we saw wonderful fresco, emerald green lawns, clear rivers etc.
we also took part in many activities, such as spectacular performance, inspiring speeches and various **all games. we enjoyed a great time. the lunch was also perfect and delicious.
after lunch, we took pictures with teachers. what a nice day!
幫我寫一篇初二英語作文、要求如下、80字左右 10
選d,因為x在反應前後的質量都沒有發生改變,y的質量在反應後增加了,可以推斷出了y是生成物,z和q反應後的質量都減少了,所以判定z和q是參加反應了,所以選d。z q y 選d顯然 x沒變化 大概起催化的作用 z和q減少,y增加 z和q減少的量剛好是y增加的量 先問一下上面的 號是不是等於或者 號 如...
人教版 酬樂天揚州初逢席上見贈 劉禹錫 巴山楚水淒涼地,二十三年棄置身。懷舊空吟聞笛賦,到鄉翻似爛柯人。沉舟側畔千帆過,病樹前頭萬木春。今日聽君歌一曲,暫憑杯酒長精神。赤壁 杜牧 折戟沉沙鐵未銷,自將磨洗認前朝。東風不與周郎便,銅雀春深鎖二喬。過零丁洋 文天祥 辛苦遭逢起一經,干戈寥落四周星。山河破...
菱形 因為an平行於bm 所以 dac acb bac 所以ab bc 同理,ab ad ad ab ac da平行於cb所以為菱形。1 菱形證明 角平分線和平分線會出現等腰三角形,所以ab bc,ab ad,所以ad bc,又因為ad平行bc,所以是菱形。2 求acd三點的座標,利用30 角就可以...