the ruler is yellow.
please send it painted white.
this is a key.
what is the color of the quilt.
th ruler is yellow.
please paint it white.
this is a key.
what color is this quilt?
this ruler is yellow .
please paint it in white.
this is a key .
what color is the quilt?
the ruler is yellow.
please color it with white.
this is a key.
what's the color of the quilt?
the ruler is yellow,please make it to be white.
the ruler is yellow. please paint it white. this is a key. what color is quilt?
be kind to be kind to sb take good care of sth be kind to treat sb with kindness 醫院用英語怎麼寫?hospital 1 we rushed him to the hospital.我們把他急忙送往醫院。2 the ho...
單詞很簡單,就三個字母,c,a,t,cat,發音 英 k t 同時還有 小貓,kitten 母貓,tomcat 公貓 tabby 例句 櫃檯上蜷伏著一隻碩大的貓。there was an enormous cat crouching on the counter.cat 貓 kitten 小貓 to...
may i borrow your ruler,please?may i borrow your ruler,please?may i borrow your ruler?of course 我可以向你借一把尺嗎用英語有兩種說法是什麼 can i borrow a ruler from you?ca...