求一首歌。是個很男人的唱的,最後一直迴圈一句話“put your hands up”

2021-07-24 17:58:03 字數 5349 閱讀 7229


like a g6吧?



r~~i'm shaking slowly to the beat h htk h h

i like rolling on my feet h htk h h

so people listen to the sound h h

and turn around h h r~~

put your hands up


[k] i [ps]haking [k]lowly [ps]o the [kb]eat h ps

kkhhkr rk

i [ps]ike [k]olling [ps] my [k]eet h ps

kkhhkd dk

so [ps]eople [k]isten [ps] the [k]ound h ps

[k] and [ps]urn a[k]ound h ps

[k]ound h ps h r

put your hands up


求一首英文歌,開始是女的唱的,後來是一個男的唱了一句put your hands up。女的就開始唱eieieieieiei。 50



**名稱:love, angel, music, baby


發行公司:interscope records

歌手名稱:gwen stefani

by --- sleep4ever

back it up, back it up

you got it, you got it

put your hands up, put your hands up, put your hands up

you got it, you got it

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

i wander round the room and i'm getting things ready

i picture you driving, just like mario andretti

i got the cush, kettle one, waiting for your engine

your grand prix attention, it's gonna be a party

don't forget to make a u-turn

i see you left your blinker on

i got it rolled and ready here to burn

meet me back at home (a-oh, a-oh)

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

driving fast in your car

i've got you tracked on my radar, oh

it's just such a trip, how you're still my speed racer

you got me so addicted, just like a free-baser

i want you all over me like l.a.m.b.

so get here a.s.a.p., it's gonna be a party

don't forget to make a u-turn (don't forget to get here)

i see you left your blinker on (you see, i want to get it on)

i got it rolled and ready here to burn

meet me back at home (you know you need me so come back)

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

now you know you're qualified

you're in the pole position

put it in first gear, step on the pedal and drive fast

back it up, back it up

you got it, you got it

back it up, back it up

you got it, you got it

put your hands up, put your hands up, put your hands up

you got it, you got it

put your hands up, put your hands up, put your hands up

you got it, you got it

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

drive back baby to me, fast in your car

i'm here waiting, crash into me real hard

come on baby, please hurry up, you know i'm waiting for you

come on baby, please hurry up, you know i'm waiting for you

come on baby, please hurry up, you know i'm waiting for you

come on baby, please hurry up, you know i'm waiting for you


put your hands up(code black remix)是black and white的,不知道對不對

在夜店聽到的一首歌 求名字 高潮歌詞:(男聲)put your hands up!put your hands up! 10


這首歌曲是張根碩的《gotta getcha》。

《gotta getcha》歌詞如下:

put your hands up      put put your hands up

put your hands up      put put your hands up

put your hands up      put put your hands up

put your hands up      put put your hands up

자 이제 손을 들고, 깃발을 들고(來 現在舉起手來 拿起旗幟)

스텝을 맞춰, 음악에 미쳐(含著步驟著迷到**)

지루하면 그대로 뻗쳐(覺得厭煩 就這樣堅持)

빠빠빠빠빠(叭叭叭叭叭)        everyboby 함성을 질러(大家一起歡呼)

너도 나도 소리를 질러(你我一起叫喊)

오늘만은 shake it out (只有今天) 빠빠빠빠빠(叭叭叭叭叭)

boom 모두 일어나(大家都起床)  boom 모두 뛰어봐 (一起跳跳看)

boom 왜냐하면 우린 (因為我們是)

빠빠빠빠빠(叭叭叭叭叭)         boom 모두 미쳐봐(大家瘋起來)

boom 모두 춤쳐봐(一起跳舞吧)  boom 왜냐하면 우린(因為我們是)


gotta getcha gotta getcha gotta getcha cha cha

gotta getcha gotta getcha gotta getcha cha cha

gotta getcha gotta getcha gotta getcha cha cha

gotta getcha gotta getcha gotta getcha cha cha

자 이제 눈을 맞춰(來 現在對著我的眼睛)

서로의 눈을 맞춰(互相對著眼睛)

하나가 되어서 구호를 외쳐(融為一體喊口號)


눈치 보지말고 노래를 불(別看別人眼色 盡情唱吧)

오늘은 상관없잖아(今天沒關係)

다같이 미쳐서 노래를 불러(大家一起瘋狂地歌唱吧)

빠빠빠빠빠(叭叭叭叭叭)         boom 모두 일어나(大家都起床)

boom 모두 뛰어봐(一起跳跳看)  boom 왜냐하면 우린(因為我們是)

빠빠빠빠빠(叭叭叭叭叭)         boom 모두 미쳐봐(大家瘋起來)

boom 모두 춤쳐봐(一起跳舞吧)  boom 왜냐하면 우린(因為我們是)


gotta getcha gotta getcha gotta getcha cha cha


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