求幫忙用英文翻譯這兩句 大家不要用翻譯軟體哦要求比較規範化的

2022-08-13 07:45:21 字數 890 閱讀 5375


1. the price of the product ranges from $21 to $23.

2. this style is $18 per square metre.


the price of this product ranges from twenty-one dollars to twenty-three dollars.

this type is eighteen dollars a square meter


1 this product is priced from twenty-one to twenty-three dollars.

2 this one is valued at eighteen dollor per square meter.


1.the price of this goods is between 21 to 23 dollars.

2.this one is valued 18 dollars per square meter.


the price of this product vary from 21 to 23 dollars.

this style is 18 dollars per square.


1.this commodity unit price is from 21 $ to 23 $ .

2.this style is 18$ per square meter.


選ba選項的意思是在某個時間 一般用於將來時中 如 i will go abroad sometime in the next month.我下個月某天要出國。b選項的意思是 一段時間 即為答案。c選項的意思是 有時 如 i sometimes get up early.我有時候早起。b.he st...


a small,erect,facial,neck in a long mane,tail hairs,robust limbs,inside has attached the cicada,the third toe toe end has the most developed,horseshoe...


用一生時間去愛一個人是怎麼樣的感覺,我願意去嘗試。愛一個人,攀登一座山,追求夢想。人生可以勇敢一些。大家中午好!幫忙翻譯一下 中的英語句子,謝謝幫忙 b 我們敲門前門就自動開啟了 c 我們朝四周看時,女孩已消失在視線裡了 d 我們剛進電影院電影就開始了 公交車一到我們就上車了 e 經歷外出開會期間由...