
2022-09-21 06:45:16 字數 711 閱讀 1673


select 表2.ming as 客戶姓名,表2.che as 車輛品牌 from 表1,表2 where (表1.

xingming = user)and(表1.kehu = 表2.ming)


select * from 表2 where 表2.ming in (

select kehu from 表1 where xingming ='lily'

)或者select * from 表2 where exists (select 1 from 表1 where 表1.xingming ='lily'

and 表1.kehu=表2.ming)


select a.ming,a.che from 表2 a left join 表1 b on a.ming=b.kehu where a.xingming=lili

select a.ming,a.che from 表2 a left join 表1 b on a.ming=b.kehu where a.xingming=jack


eader where rnumber='"+bcrnumber+"'"+"and rlimited>ryamount";

多了個 +


select from table name where 部門 工程部 and 經理簽字 0 and 行政簽字 0 and 結單 0 union all select from table name where 部門 工程部 and 經理簽字 1 and 行政簽字 0 and 結單 0 select...


設 表1為mytable1 sl 分類求和後為sl1表2為mytable2 sl 分類求和後為sl2select from select lx sum sl sl1 from mytable1 group by lx a join select lx sum sl sl2 from mytable2...

求一sql查詢語句,題目如圖,求一個SQL查詢語句寫法,有點複雜 高手進

需要5個子查詢,然後用left join select distinct u.username as 使用者名稱,t1.密碼 as 密碼,t2.日期 as 日期,t3.分組 as 分組。from users u left join select distinct username as 使用者名稱,...