stared at, he may feel un***fortable.
the same in daily life. if you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down, to see if there is anything wrong with you. if nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other』s stare with you that way.
eyes do speak, right?
春雨 嘩啦啦 的下著,小明坐在教室裡,心驚膽戰,原來是因為要公佈期末考試的成績啦 小紅心裡非常清楚自己的學習情況,後悔自己上課不認真聽課 愛講小話,可現在已經太遲了.不一會兒,趙老師握著一沓試卷失望的走進來.這時,再轉過頭來看看小明,她正沉沉地低下頭,在做自我檢討.趙老師嘆了一口氣說 這次的考試成績...
老師我想對你說 老師,我心中的好母親,她會把愛均勻地分給她的每一個兒女。老師您是大海,我是一條小魚,在您的胸前玩耍。老師我想對你說謝謝。在這兩年來,你不僅教懂了我不少知識,還教育我人生的道理。在老師你的指導下,我的作文也有很大的進步,使我的成績漸漸地提高,這方面我很感謝你。老師,玫瑰只有在陽光的哺育...
my classroom is big and clean.there are twenty five desks and twenty five chairs.there is a blackboard on the wall.in front of the blackboard,there is...