hengyang, hengshan mountain is located in the south, because the water shannan north as "yang", it was this name. yet the "northern yannan fei, bringing the wings to stop break back," habitat in the south back to yanfeng, so elegantly called "goose town." is currently the second largest city in hunan province (hengyang urban built-up area and urban population, second only to changsha, in 2006 the urban built-up area 98.
5 square kilometers in hengyang, built-up area population of 1.1086 million permanent residence registration). is located in central and southern hunan, the old industrial bases in the country, the state historical and cultural city, china's outstanding tourist city, the chinese war of resistance memorial city, the country's major transportation hub in the main city, the birthplace of hunan culture.
英語自我介紹~~~ 大學生用啦, 不用太長, 大概我叫xx,18歲,來自湖南衡陽,我的家鄉有著四大 20
my name is--,and i'm 18 years old, come form 湖南衡陽,my hometown has one of best mountain in china,and welcome to my hometown for the best spicy food
i an from hengyang,hunan(英語是先說小地名,再說大地名)
i'm from hunan hengyang
i'm from hunan hengyang
hello everyone. my name is liujun and i come from hengyang, in the hunan province. i like to play basketball and computer games.
hello, my name is liujun, from hunan hengyang, like to play basketball, playing a game
hello . my name is liujun ,i'm come from hunan-hengyang .and i like play basketball and computer games
燒餅 油條 韭菜盒 水餃 蒸餃 饅頭 割包飯糰 蛋餅 皮蛋 鹹鴨蛋 豆漿 稀飯 白飯 油飯 糯米飯 滷肉飯 蛋炒飯 地瓜粥 餛飩麵 刀削麵 麻辣面 麻醬麵 鴨肉面 鱔魚麵烏龍麵 榨菜肉絲麵牡蠣細面 板條 米粉 炒米粉 冬粉 貢丸湯 蛋花湯 蛤蜊湯 牡蠣湯 紫菜湯 酸辣湯 餛飩湯 豬腸湯 肉羹湯 花枝...
靈隱寺,又名雲林寺,建立於東晉咸和元年 公元326年 當時印度僧人慧理 來到杭州,看到這裡山峰奇秀,認為是 仙靈所隱 所以就在這裡建寺,取名 靈隱 清康熙南巡時,曾登寺後的北高峰頂攬勝。他看到山下雲林漠漠,整座寺宇籠罩在一片淡淡的晨霧之中,顯得十分幽靜,於是就賜名靈隱寺為 雲林禪寺 現在天王殿前的那...
您好,樓主!today是副詞 去掉應該是一個完整的句子第二個句子去掉today 是 it is hot.和第三個第四個句子一樣都是個完整的句子 而第一句 去掉後 是 it is a fine 今天是一個好的。不完整 所以第一個句子錯了 正確的是 it is a fine day today.祝樓主學...