
2021-10-16 17:44:28 字數 1039 閱讀 3018


to face with the disaster, comity is the strength. when the 1.3 billion chinese people stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand and heart with heart, any difficulties are temporary, any disaster could be overcome.


the face of disaster, unity is strength. when the 1.3 billion chinese people stand shoulder to shoulder, shou wanshou, xin lianxin time, any difficulties are temporary, and that any disaster can be overcome


when facing a disaster, unite is strength. when the 1.3 billion chinese people stand side by side, hand in hand, heart with heart, all the difficulties are temporary, and all the disasters can be overcomed.



confronted with the disaster, solidarity is power. when all 1.3 billion chinese stand shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand and heart to heart, all difficulties will be transient, all disaters can be overwhelmed.


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