5,i don`t know
1, where are my keys?
2.the baseball is under the chair.
3. where is her model plane?
4.the books are on the desk.
5. the tv isn`t in my bedroom.
where are my keys? the baseball is under the chair. where is her model plane?
the books are on the desk.
the tv isn't in my bedroom.
1 don't know
1 where are my keys?
2 the baseball is under the chair.
3 where is her model plane?
4 the books are on the desk.
5 my tv isn't in the bedroom
1.where are my keys?
星期天,小紅和小明一起到郊外玩。池塘邊 田野裡到處都是春光明媚的景象。柳樹抽出了細細的柳絲,柳絮在空中飛舞。小草帶著泥土的芳香鑽了出來,一叢叢五顏六色的花兒競相開放,綠油油的麥苗像一張漂亮的地毯。小鴨子在池塘裡歡快地游來游去。小鳥從南方飛回來了,告訴我們春天已經向我們走來。山坡,朋友,小鳥,兩個小朋...
對,是指 從一年級開始學英語 和 從三年級開始學英語 各省都有統一編寫的教材,一般是從小學三年級開始學起,版本各異.義務教育教科書一年級起點三年級下冊英語課本 別光看教材,要看老師,我的小學老師整天教我們讀課文,句子什麼意思,單詞什麼意思,詞性都不講,也不要求我們理解,結果我上初中之後,初中老師英語...
1 we work hard learning english.2 i feel much better today.3 my father will take me to the park tomorrow.1.we study hard in engliah.2.i feel much bett...