
2023-01-16 13:30:12 字數 1110 閱讀 5803


longkou city (former known as huangxian county) lies in the northwest of shandong peninsula and the south bank of bohai bay. longkou is a jumped-up coastal open harbour neighbored by yantai to the east, jointed by qingdao to the south, adjacent to weifang to the west and opposite to famous cities like tianjin, dalian, qinhuangdao and beidaihe as well as korean peninsula. longkou is one of the energetic regions in the economic rings around bohai sea.

the city covers 893 square kilometers with coastline of 68.4 kilometers and population of 620,000.

the topography of longkou goes high in the south and low in the north, with low hills in the southeast and littoral plains in the northwest. there are mountains and rivers around longkou and the environment here is very beautiful. the annual mean temperature within the city is 11.

7℃, no bitter coldness in winter or scorching heat in summer, and it is a climatic comfort. the city of longkou is just like a pearl studded in the bank of bohai sea.


i like longkou


張世英,哲學家。1921年生於湖北武漢一書香門第,從小熟讀論孟,中學時修理科,1941年秋考入昆明西南聯合大學經濟系,後轉入哲學系,1949年畢業,取得哲學碩士學位。張世英,哲學家。1921年生於湖北武漢東西湖區柏泉。1930年,9歲時,張世英從漢口西郊的柏泉小鎮轉入市內讀書。在漢口市立一中 現武漢...


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