
2021-07-23 09:31:01 字數 356 閱讀 3809


for some of the following products, these packaging has been confirmed before that, then i can start to arrange shipment do?

in this case, it really has been conducted on the su***ce uv treatment, but different gloss printing production box will vary, in large cargo has been improved, please sign 1pc back to us.


what is not necessary?sympathy how much possibilty depends on how much determination you decide to take on.不知合你要求否。nothing is needed,least of all,your...


強調的重點不一樣。i have only caught a cold.我就是感冒了。強調的是狀態,我就是處在感冒的狀態而已 i have caught only a cold.我就是得了感冒。強調的是 只是得了感冒一種病,而沒有得其他的病 英語 請問這兩句話有區別嗎?其實沒有什麼區別,只不過第二句通...


這個謎語根據意思分三段,前四句,中三局,後五句,是一個三字姓名 阿房宮和長生殿都是皇家宮殿,裡面的寢人自然就是皇帝,而且因為是第一個字,所以應該是姓,最大可能是 王 字,也有可能是 龍 或者 吳 鐘的單位是口,天指天子 中間三句比較容易,關鍵是最後那句少女灑淚江邊,第一感覺是個 渺 字,但是我覺得中...