
2022-05-12 15:04:55 字數 2351 閱讀 6185







option explicit

const max_tooltip as integer = 64

const nif_icon = &h2

const nif_message = &h1

const nif_tip = &h4

const nim_add = &h0

const nim_delete = &h2

const wm_mousemove = &h200

const wm_lbuttondown = &h201

const wm_lbuttonup = &h202

const wm_rbuttondown = &h204

const wm_rbuttonup = &h205

const sw_restore = 9

const sw_hide = 0

private type notifyicondata

cbsize as long

hwnd as long

uid as long

uflags as long

ucallbackmessage as long

hicon as long

sztip as string * max_tooltip

end type

private declare function showwindow lib "user32" (byval hwnd as long, byval ncmdshow as long) as long

private declare function shell_notifyicon lib "shell32.dll" alias "shell_notifyicona" (byval dwmessage as long, lpdata as notifyicondata) as long

private nficondata as notifyicondata

public flag as integer

private sub mdiform_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)


nficondata.hwnd = mdiform1.hwnd

nficondata.uid = mdiform1.icon

nficondata.uflags = nif_icon or nif_message or nif_tip

nficondata.ucallbackmessage = wm_mousemove

nficondata.hicon = mdiform1.icon.handle

nficondata.sztip = "timetip" & vbnullchar

nficondata.cbsize = len(nficondata)

call shell_notifyicon(nim_add, nficondata)


call shell_notifyicon(nim_delete, nficondata)


private sub mdiform_mousemove(button as integer, shift as integer, x as single, y as single)

if mdiform1.visible = false then

dim lmsg as single

lmsg = x / screen.twipsperpixelx

if lmsg = wm_rbuttonup or lmsg = wm_lbuttonup then mdiform1.popupmenu mnumain'這是選單名稱

end if

end sub


'別忘了勾上部件\引用中的windows script host和windows script control



用樓上的函式,要途簡單 可以找 系統托盤控制元件.


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