一些英語題,一些英語題 !

2022-07-31 10:05:20 字數 909 閱讀 6476


30 pairs of short socksaccept our price.

1.are the pants 10 dollars? yes,they are.

2how much are the pants ?

how many dollars are you pay for the pants?


300 pairs of socks.

admit our price

are the pants 10 dollars?

yes, they are.

how much are the pants?

how much do the pants cost?


30 pairs of socks

accept our price

are the pants 10 dollars?yes,they are.

how much are the pants?

what is 10 dollars?


30 pairs of socks

admit our price

are the pants 10 dollars?yes,they are.

how much are the pants?

what is the price of the pants?


how much the pants?10dollars.

30 pairs of socks

admit that our prices


1.the best 2.the most friendly,這題少了條線吧3.the most comfortable4.think so 5.know 6.broadcasts,most interesting 1.what is the best radio station?2.it has ...


suffering 這句話是省略句,完整的應該是to some life means pleasure,to others means suffering.這句話是對比句,前後詞性應該一樣,pleasure是名詞,所以suffer應該也用名詞形式 they invited him to make a...


1 根號4的平方根是 根號2 216的立方根的立方根是 三次根號6 2 若2 m 3,4 n 5,則2 2m 2n 2 2m 2 2n 2 m 2 4 n 3 2 5 9 5 3 若 2x 3 x m 2x 2 5x n,則m 1 n 3 2x 2 2m 3 x 3m 2x 2 5x n 2m 3 ...