don't you want to celebrate chinese new year in here? i won't go back to my home town to celebrate chinese new year but still, holiday is a holiday.
will you spend your spring festival here? i will not go back home town during the holiday, but i will be on holiday.
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questions in general manager s mailbox 5th,august q which country s national day is on august?a 1st,aug.switzerland 2nd,aug.macedonia 5th,aug.general ...
他們有什麼不同漢譯英,他們在幹什麼 漢譯英
標準答案 what s the difference between them?what the diference?what s the difference between them?what are the differences between them?或what s their diff...
1.they asked me how i had passed the exam two days before.2.the old man asked the boy why he had not left with his family.3.he said he had come here t...