no matter whether we are able to make a deal, we should keep our promise all the time; otherwise, customers will just go away, isn't it?
no matter the business could be made or not, we must keep our promise. otherwise the business will not be long.
no matter whether we able to make a deal in business, everyone need to keep their promise all the time; or business won't for a long time. how do you think ?
whether the business could be made or not, we should keep our promise. otherwise the business will not be long. do you think so?
everyone should keep promise no matter weather the business is done or not, or your trade will not last long
no matter not in business, everyone need to abide by the credit. or business not for a long time
1.pets are not allowed into the hotel.2.could you tell me the exit 3.the telephone doesn t work.4.a few minutes seemed to be as long as hours.5 we had...
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為了克服這些壞習慣,一些閱讀診所使用一種叫加速器的儀器,這種儀器會在頁面上按設定的速度往下移動一條遮擋物。這個遮擋物設定在一個比讀者平時快的速度,以此驅使讀者閱讀快一點。為克服這些壞的習慣,一些閱讀診所使用一種叫加速器的裝置,加速器將一根橫條 或幕布 以預先設定的速度移至頁面底部。橫條設定的速度快於...