
2022-02-14 01:20:54 字數 754 閱讀 4547


maths problems in english 用英語寫的數學題

maths problems of england 英國的數學題


the mathematics inscribes in english 樓上機翻的,笑死!


the mathematics inscribes english


take english as the test language's mathematics problems is we usually the uncommon test form, is only in some characteristic school (for example foreign language school), the characteristic class (foreign language strengthening class) in selects time the student uses. its collection knowledgeable, flexibility, interesting and technicality in a body, is for the purpose of developing the intelligence, inspires the thought that the develop capacity.


我想做一道數學題 英文意思是 i want to do a math problem.英文也可以讀作 i want to do a math problem.want to do 想要做math 英 m 美 m n.數學 等於版mathematics math problem 數學題 數學難權題 p...


1.題目 已知函式f x 5x 4 計算函式f影象上橫座標為9的a點處法線的方程。2.題目 已知函式f x 2 2x 1 定義域df 1,2 a.畫出函式f的影象 函式g的影象與函式f的影象關於y軸對稱,b.寫出函式g的表示式 直線x a,a 1,2 與函式f相交於點a,過點a的水平線與函式g的影象...


計算考copy試成績的方式如下 答對的題 答錯bai的題du除三 考試40道題,zhi如果所有題都回答了,最dao後的成績是20,請問錯了多少題?如果需要的話,答錯 15,答對 25.25 15 3 25 5 20 一道數學題 麵粉174.14 黃油113.57 蔓越莓53.00 全蛋液22.71 ...