
2023-01-23 08:50:15 字數 576 閱讀 4763


there is a black inside the headband, the sample we send you is yellow, and your company has confirmed, please notify us which color is needed


there is a black headband in it. the sample we sent you is yellow which has been confirmed by your company. so, please tell us which color should we take as the criteria?


the one in the headband is black,and we send you the sample which is yellow.your company has confirmed ,and please inform us that which color is based on?


溫室效應是由地球溫度上升引起的,因為大氣中的氣體 如水蒸氣 二氧化碳 氧化亞氮和甲烷 從太陽吸收了熱量。沒有這些氣體,熱量就會散失到太空,地球的平均溫度就會冷到 60 f。因為這些氣體為我們地球保住了溫度,因此成為溫室氣體。你見過溫室嗎?大部分的溫室看起來像一個小玻璃房子。特別是在冬季,溫室被用於種...


c在他看來,人們會感到震驚的看到他 黑色的巨人 巨人 或鐵塔。在2.16米和138公斤,他穿57碼的鞋,像兩條小船。他遞給我兩蒲葉風扇一樣大。他總是搖搖手小心輕輕的和別人因為他害怕他的偉大的力量會傷害他們。他輕輕的微笑使他的洪亮的聲音會不會嚇到他們。他甚至開始聊天,羞怯。鯊魚的neiil,22,已成...

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